Friday, April 29, 2011

stapler. the reason why i haven't posted on monday, tuesday and wednesday?! uhhh cuz verizon is stupid. they somehow f*cked up and cut some wire or some type of something that allows us (nova community college) to get any internet. so internet was down for 3 days. it was terrible. 
i couldn't blog.

true story. 

anyway, here's what my office looks like:
yeah. not a good look...
so i enjoy what i do. its pretty chill in my environment. the onlyyyy thing that irritates me. well, let me correct that, there are a few things that irritate me...

the parking:
im the little blue car...wayyyy in the back. its actually a blue dot.
it's actually really ridiculous because by the time i walk up to the building this is exactly what happens:
this is me. walking. taking in the view...
see that yellow car in the lower right corner?! comes in play next:

bam. a frickin spot like two seconds away from the building.
yeah. pretty irritating...(and ok i lied. that's the only thing that irritates me...)

ugh. and we don't have a stapler or ...real work materials?
but besides all that i have the best boss in the world. :]

but i get off around 2 and have to run to my other job. pretty crazy huh?
and this wonderful face greets me...

ha! gotta go work.....

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